Elusennau Efan
Memories of Efan Wyn x
Cuddles with Nenan- Summer 2011
Sitting in his Bumbo
Tenby 2012
Cuddles with Nenan- Summer 2011
Ward 75 Manchester- Sep 2011 Tested positive to RSV virus, in headbox to try and improve breathing
PICU Sep 2011, trying to stabilise oxygen sats
From our Memory Album by the JUMP Children's Charity
Ward 75 Manchester- Sep 2011 Tested positive to RSV virus, in headbox to try and improve breathing
Elan and Catrin with Great Manchester Run t-shirts
Elan and Efan wearing Bledd and Ems' Great Manchester Run wigs
Elin ready to tun the half marathon and Bethan running the Great Manchester run 2018
Elan and Catrin with Great Manchester Run t-shirts
Gifts to wards 75,76,85 and PICU Manchester Children's Hospital
Efan Wyn's cup- cup for competition winner in Nefyn Show
blanket of Efan's clothes www.babyforgetmenots.co.uk
Gifts to wards 75,76,85 and PICU Manchester Children's Hospital
Newspaper Articles
Bleddyn, Bethan and Elan want to thank family, friends and local communities for all their love and support over the past months. Time passes but Efan's memory lives on
Diolch x